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About Us

Foster Aviation and Mobile Maintenance started out of the need for quality aircraft maintenance at a reasonable price. Currently, there is a lack of qualified skilled labor in the Aviation Industry on both the maintenance and flight sides of the line. Our goal has, and will always be, to be able to meet the needs of the “little guy” who just wants to fly, as well as the business person traveling from A-B, and to do so with fairness and integrity in mind.

New River Valley Airport (PSK)

Telephone: 540-307-1478

Email: fosteraviationmm@gmail.com

Maintenance/Business Address:

Foster Aviation and Mobile Maintenance

5398 CV Jackson Rd,

Dublin, VA 24084


  • Rotax Certified Mechanic on Staff
  • Trio Certified Dealer and Installer
  • uAvionix Qualified Installer/Reseller
  • KPSK METAR 280435Z AUTO 26004KT 10SM BKN080 OVC090 11/M02 A3027 RMK AO2 T01071024